Justin’s Announces a Voluntary Limited Recall of Certain Lots of Classic Peanut Butter 16oz Jars and Honey Peanut Butter 1.15oz and .5oz Squeeze Packs Due to Possible Health Risk

Justin’s today announced a voluntary recall of certain lots of its Classic Peanut Butter 16oz jars and Honey Peanut Butter 1.15oz and .5oz single-serve squeeze packs (see associated Best By dates below). This voluntary recall is in response to Sunland Inc. voluntarily recalling nut butter products. For more information on the Sunland recall, please see the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s website (www.fda.gov) or read Sunland’s official statement at: http://www.sunlandinc.com/788/html/pdfs/SunlandRecall.pdf.

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